UAB Cpay Finance("CPay") is a corporation formed under the laws of Lithuania. CPay provides users with digital asset trading and derivatives trading services by opening an independent contract trading service function, the App.CPAY is fully aware of the Lithuanian regulatory requirements concerning transactions with virtual currencies.

Users ('You') must use the webpage and the services provided ('Services') by compliance with the provisions of these terms and conditions pages ('Terms').This Agreement as a whole constitutes the entire agreement between this webpage and the Users (the 'Parties').Unless otherwise agreed, all other information or oral / written statements made by the page are not binding on the page and users; transaction policies and operating guidelines serve as guidance for use only and do not constitute a legal agreement between the parties.

To access, browse or download web information and use the services provided by the C.Pay contract trading platform means that you have read, understood and unconditionally agree to be bound by this clause.C.Pay Trading may modify this clause at any time without notice.You agree that the Web has the right to modify, alter or delete the terms without notice to you and agree that any modified terms are binding upon you.You confirm that it is your responsibility to regularly check whether the terms of this Agreement are changed and that if you continue to use the services provided by the C.Pay contract trading platform after any change of this clause, you accept any such changes.

The copyright of all text, graphics, pictures, software and any other materials on the web page belongs to the C.Pay Contract Trading Platform, including all trademarks and other intellectual property rights related to the web page materials and services.The materials on this page may be used for personal purposes only and not for commercial purposes.

You may display web excerpts on a computer screen or print for the above purposes, but must retain any copyright and other claim of ownership or any trademark or logo on the original printed or downloaded content, without any changes, addition or deletion.Except as expressly provided in this clause, no material may be altered, modified, copied, distributed, or used on any web page in any other business environment without prior written permission of the C.Pay Contract Trading Platform.

Under no circumstances will you acquire any rights related to the page or page (except the right to use the page under this terms and under any other terms and conditions applicable to specific services or parts of the page) or any such rights related to the page or page.


In this Agreement, unless otherwise agreed in the terms of this Agreement, the following words or expressions shall have the following meaning:

'Agreement': means the terms and conditions of use contained in this clause.

'C.Pay Contract Trading Platform': means UAB Cpay Finance, a company established in the Lithuania.

'Data': means any data you enter on or with your authorization.

'Intellectual Property Rights': means registered or unregistered design rights, patents, copyright, database rights, data protection rights, trademarks, service marks, ethical rights, proprietary technology and any other intellectual or industrial property rights anywhere in the world.

'Member': means any current registered user of the C.Pay platform.

'Services': means all services provided through the web page (the C.Pay contract trading platform may be changed or updated from time to time).

1 Access Conditions

1.1 You must ensure that all the user names and passwords required to access the web page are secure and confidential.For any unauthorized use of your password or any other security violation, notify CPay immediately, and CPay will reset the password for you.

1.2 When accessing and using the services:

a) shall not attempt to destroy the security or integrity of the web page computing system or network, or if it is a third party hosted service, shall not destroy the security or integrity of the computing system and network of the third party;

b) The use of the service shall not weaken the functionality of the service or system, or any other system used to transmit the service, or weaken the ability of any other user to use the service or web pages, or abuse the services in the above manner;

c) shall not attempt to obtain unauthorized access to the computer system hosting this page, or that you have unauthorized access to any other material than the expressly licensed materials;

d) shall not transmit or enter any document that may damage any other person's computing equipment or software; offensive content; or materials or data that violates any law (including data or other materials protected by copyright or trade secrets);

e) shall not attempt to modify, copy, adapt, copy, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer any computer program used to provide services or operate web pages, except that must be used for normal operation;

f) Ensure that all user names and passwords required to access the page are secure and confidential; any unauthorized use of your password or any other security violation shall immediately notify CPay and CPay will reset the password for you.

1.3 Use of services may be limited, including, but not limited to, the permitted transaction volume and the number of calls to the web application interface.We will inform you of any such restrictions.

1.4 Registration as a member means that you represent and guarantee that:

a) You accept this clause;

b) You are over 18 years old and have the ability to accept this clause;

c) You legally have the funds transferred to your web page account, and such sources of funds are legitimate;

d) The use of web services will not violate the laws of your jurisdiction;

e) You are aware of the risks of using the services provided on the web page.These risks include the high volatility risk of the digital assets themselves, and the risk that you may lose all the money in your trading account when the market trends are working against you;

f) You will not participate in or initiate any form of market manipulation, including deceptive orders or other actions;

g) The information or documents you provide in any authentication program is accurate, true and up-to-date;

h) Any digital asset extraction address you provide is your own address and you have full control over that address;

i) You also guarantee that you are not in any list of trade or economic sanctions, such as the UN Security Council, nor restricted or prohibited by Hong Kong Financial Authority, Hong Kong Customs enforcement agencies.

j) You are not a resident of any other jurisdiction where the services provided by the webpage are restricted.If you fail to pass the authentication procedure, you will not be allowed to accept any services on the page; if you have provided a false residence address description, CPay may immediately close your account, withdraw, and settle any open transactions at the current market price; if CPay losses, CPay will directly deduct or claim.

1.5 The CPay reserves the right to verify your identity at any time to comply with the relevant legal requirements.

1.6 We will impose certain transaction restrictions before you are required to conduct customer due diligence (CDD).You agree to cooperate with us in this process and to provide all documents / information requested to confirm your identity and for the purposes of the business relationship.

1.7 We may freeze any account if you suspect or have reason to believe that you are participating in suspicious transactions or other activities or are violating any of the above warranties.This may reverse to cancel any deal you have reached.We are not liable for any loss or gains caused by our advance withdrawal or your inability to trade on the Web page, and any third party lawsuit due to your actions or our advance withdrawal of the warehouse, you agree to compensate us in full.We will investigate while your account is frozen, and you may be asked to cooperate with our investigation.During the investigation, you cannot deposit or withdraw from your account or trade.At the end of the investigation, we cannot inform you of why.

1.8 We reserve the right to close your account after seven working days' notice.Therefore, you have seven working days to withdraw the peace warehouse.If you do not withdraw the withdrawal, we will force the withdrawal and return the remaining digital assets in your account to you.

1.9 It is your responsibility to provide us with the correct details, including your withdrawal address.We are not responsible if you do not receive the extracted digital assets because the information you provided is inaccurate or has expired.You should also be responsible for ensuring that the transactions sent to the CPay are in the proper format and denominated in the correct currency.The C.Pay Contract trading platform is not responsible for any inaccurate transactions, including but not limited to Letecoin sent to the Bitcoin address.

1.10 We have the responsibility to maintain good market order, so we are at our discretion to suspend transactions on the web page when the market is disturbed or other relevant external events occur.We are not liable for any claimed loss or loss of earnings arising from our suspension.

1.11 In order to protect the rights and interests of investors, the platform has the power to conduct early delivery and settlement of contracts under special circumstances (such as system failure, network failure, extreme market, etc.). The contract varieties, contract cycle and settlement prices shall be subject to the announcement of the platform.

2 Intellectual Property Rights

2.1 All intellectual property rights related to all materials used on the web page, including but not limited to design, structure, layout, graphics and basic source code, are owned by CPay.All rights reserved.

2.2 You confirm that all intellectual property rights of the webpage and web pages shall always belong to CPay, except as otherwise agreed in writing.

2.3 Submitting content to any public area of the Web page, including blogs, message boards, and forums, means that you have granted the C.Pay Contract Trading Platform a fee-free right and license to use, copy, modify, adapt, publish, translate, distribute, transmit, execute, display the content (in whole or in part) or create its derivatives to the public in any form, media or technology.You also allow any subscriber to access, display, browse, store, and copy such content for personal purposes.

2.4 The submission of any content to the webpage means that you guarantee the right to own the content and have all the necessary intellectual property rights of the content.

3 Privacy Policy

3.1 The CPay respects the privacy of its users.The Web Privacy Policy separately describes how the C.Pay contract trading platform collects, stores, disand uses information related to your privacy.You agree that CPay will use your information under the terms of the Web Page Privacy Policy.

3.2 Web page user information as mentioned in this Agreement means the information that complies with laws, regulations and relevant provisions and conforms to the following scope:

a) Personal information provided to the C.Pay contract trading platform during user registration;

b) When users use web services, participate in web activities or visit web pages, the C.Pay contract trading platform will automatically receive and record the user browser or mobile client data, including but not limited to the IP address, the information in the web Cookie and the web records requested by users;

c) User personal information legally obtained by the website from business partners;

d) User personal information obtained by other web pages through legal channels.

3.3 CPay Commitment:

a) CPay will not disclose the user's non-public information such as the password, name, mobile phone number to any third party without legal reasons or the user's prior permission;

b) Personal information will be disclosed in part or all under the following statutory circumstances:

i.Disclosing to the user himself or another third party with the consent of the user;

ii.Disclosure to administrative, judicial organs or other third party stipulated by laws in accordance with relevant provisions of laws, regulations or required by administrative organs;

iii.Other CPay disclosures under laws, regulations and other relevant provisions.

4 Data Protection

4.1 CPay deposits your relevant data information into an internal-only database.CPay will not disclose your information to any third party, except as required by law and where you have specifically instructed to the contrary.

5. Third-Party Web Pages

5.1 If CPay provides links to third-party pages not affiliated or associated with this page (although C.Pay contract trading platform brands, advertisements or links may appear on these pages), CPay may send you e-mail information containing advertisements or promotions (including third-party links).CPay makes no representations or warranties regarding the quality, fitness, functionality or legality of the material on the linked third-party pages, or any goods and services provided on such pages.These materials are provided only to satisfy your interests and for your convenience.CPay will not monitor or investigate third-party web pages, CPay assumes no responsibility or obligation for any loss caused by the accuracy of the content or materials, and the views expressed in the Materials shall not be regarded as the approval, suggestions or opinions of CPay.

5.2 In no event shall a hyperlink to any page of the page be created without the prior consent of CPay.If you have created a link to any page of the page, you are responsibility for the full direct or indirect consequences of the link and indemnify CPay for all losses, liabilities, expenses, or expenses arising out of or associated with the link.

6 Guarantees And Representations

6.1 You hereby confirm and guarantee that:

a) You are authorized to access and use web pages; in particular, the jurisdiction where you live, hold citizenship, or operate your business allows you to use web page services;

b) If you use web pages on behalf of or for the benefit of any organization, you are entitled to use them.The organization will be responsible for your actions, including violations of this clause;

c) Your use of this Website and Services is at your own risk, and you agree that CPay shall not be liable for any damage or injury caused by your use of this Website and Services;

d) The information provided on the web page is for general reference only and in good faith; however, the information is selected and CPay will not verify all information, which may be incomplete or inaccurate for you; do not rely on such information without further inquiry.This information shall not be construed as transaction advice or service advice provided by the CPay in a specific manner; and

e) CPay does not guarantee that the use of the web pages is uninterrupted or error-free.Furthermore, the operation and availability of the systems used to access web pages, including public telephone services, computer networks, and the Internet, are unpredictable and may interfere with or hinder access to web pages.CPay is not responsible for any such interference that prevents you from accessing or using web pages and services.

6.2 The CPay does not make any guarantee on the web page.Without limiting the foregoing, CPay does not guarantee that the web page meets your requirements or fits for your purpose.For the avoidance of doubt, CPay does not make any implied conditions or warranties, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, ownership, and non-infringement.

6.3 You represent and warrant that you obtain access and access to the page for commercial purposes and agree to this clause and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, statutory consumer warranties or laws designed to protect non-commercial consumers in any jurisdiction do not apply to the content provided in this page or this clause.

7 Service Performance

7.1 Where you or a third party provides computer equipment and the product relies on any of its functions, CPay assumes no responsibility for the timely operation of the web page in the Internet environment.

7.2 Using this Service means that you understand the Internet and the World Wide Web to operate in time without CPay control.You agree that the CPay is not responsible for the slow running of any perceived web page.

7.3 Using this Service means that all transactions are final and irreversible.

7.4 Use of this Service represents your acceptance that CPay reserves the right to clear any transaction at any time, regardless of profit or lost position.

7.5, CPay, not guaranteed:

a) The service meets your requirements;

b) Service will not be interrupted, service timely, safe or error free;

c) The information provided through the service is accurate, dependable or correct;

d) corrects any error or defect or may be services at any specific time or place.

7.6 You shall bear the full liability and loss risk caused by your use of the Services.

8 Compensation

8.1 You agree to indemnify CPay for any and all claims and expenses (including attorney fees), its contractors, licensors, and their respective directors, executives, employees, and agents resulting in your breach of this Agreement.

9 Refuse Of Guarantee And Exemption

9.1 CPay As a third-party platform of 'network service provider', it does not guarantee that the information and services on the web platform can fully meet the needs of users. CPay is not legally liable for errors, insults, defamation, omissions, obscene, pornography, or blasphemy that users may encounter during the acceptance of CPay services and the use of the web page.

9.2 Based on the particularity of the Internet, the C.Pay contract does not guarantee that the service will not be interrupted, does not guarantee the timeliness and security of the service, and does not assume responsibilities not caused by the C.Pay contract.The C.Pay Contract seeks to enable users to safely access and use the Website, but the C.Pay Contract does not declare or guarantee that the Site or its servers are free of viruses or other potentially harmful factors; therefore, users should use industry-recognized software to kill any viruses downloaded from the C.Pay Contract.

9.3 Based on the particularity of the Internet, CPay does not guarantee that the service will not be interrupted, does not guarantee the timeliness and security of the service, and does not assume the responsibilities not caused by CPay.CPay tries to enable users to safely access and use the page, but CPay does not declare or guarantee that the page or its servers are free of viruses or other potentially harmful factors; therefore, users should use industry recognized software to kill any viruses downloaded from the page.

9.4 Unless expressly agreed in writing, CPay shall not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any content information (including, including, via, connected, or downloaded), and CPay shall not be liable for any products, services, information or materials purchased or obtained by the content information on this page.Users shall bear the risk of using the information and content of this web page.

9.5 The user comments published by all users in the web page only represent the personal user views and do not indicate that CPay agrees with its views or confirm its description. CPay does not bear any legal liability arising from the user comments.

9.6 The CPay has the right to delete all kinds of information on the web page that does not comply with the law or agreement, and reserves the right not to notify the user.

9.7 All notices sent to users, CPay will be delivered through official page announcements, in-site letters, email, customer service phone calls, mobile phone text messages or regular letters.CPay shall not be legally liable for any activities or information obtained through the formal channels.

9.8 CPay shall adjust the handling fee rates of recharge, withdrawal and transaction according to the market situation, and shall have the right to decide on the termination of the free promotion period.

10. Calculate

10.1 All calculations performed by the web page engine and verified by the web page are the final result.As stated in Article 6.1 <e)>, CPay does not guarantee that the use of this page will not interrupt or avoid errors.

11 Compliance With Your Local Laws

11.1 It is your personal responsibility to determine whether and to what extent to pay to the relevant tax authorities any exchange income derived from the services and deduct the correct amount.In addition, you agree to comply with all relevant local laws.With regard to preventing the financing of terrorism and anti-money laundering activities, the C.Pay contract trading platform voluntarily conducts due diligence as appropriate to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing risks and will work with local authorities.When using our services, you confirm that your actions is in a legal and correct manner and that your digital assets and legal tender do not derived from illegal activity.CPay may, as appropriate or coordinate with local law enforcement agencies, to control, restrict or empty your account and digital assets.

12 General Clause

12.1 C.Pay Failure to exercise or delay any terms or exercise any rights under this clause shall not be construed as a waiver of any of our rights.

12.2 Neither party is unable to perform its obligations due to reasons other than reasonable control, including natural disasters, riots, war, malicious sabotage, fire, power failure and government authority.

12.3 The validity and enforceability of other provisions shall not be affected if any provision of this provision is invalid, ineffective, unenforceable or illegal.If you believe that any provision is unenforceable, you agree to CPay to the extent of the relevant law.

12.4 This Agreement shall be entered into under the laws of Lithuania and subject to the establishment, interpretation, content and execution of the relevant laws of Lithuania; any claim or action arising from the services provided in this Agreement shall be governed by, construed and executed in accordance with the laws of Lithuania.

For the avoidance of doubt, this provision expressly applies to any tort claim against the CPay.Any court of jurisdiction or place of action against CPay or any claims or proceedings connected with CPay is in the Lithuania.You unconditionally acquire exclusive jurisdiction to proceed and appeal in the courts of the Lithuania.You also unconditionally agree that any dispute or issues or any claims and litigation arising therefrom are exclusively in Lithuania, and if there is any other business agreement on the jurisdiction of this website, such agreement shall prevail.The doctrine of forum non conveniens does not apply to courts selected under this Terms of Service.

12.5 If any provision of this Agreement is deemed illegal, invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be deemed divisible and shall not affect the legal effect of any other provision.

12.6 The terms of this Agreement provide for the complete understanding of the subject matter of the Services and supersede all prior understanding and communication in connection therewith.Any other document inconsistent with the content specified in this clause will not be binding on the CPay.You declare and warrant that all information disclosed to CPay relating to this Terms of Service is true, accurate and complete.

C.Pay User Agreement
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